Friday, September 30, 2011

Your 100 Day Prayer - 5 Stars

John Snyder's "Your 100 Day Prayer" is a devotional book, consisting of 100 daily devotionals. What I really enjoyed about these devotionals is that they are relatively short - and I felt like even though they weren't extremely lengthy, I still got a lot out of them, spiritually. They are very well written devotionals, and really get straight to the point with a clear and concise message. These messages relay a strong message of faith and waiting on God.

I think that this devotional is perfect. The daily devotionals are short and easy to fit into the day. The prayers are meaningful and concise. And the space to journal is a great idea.

Each devotional is followed by a short prayer that is based on the message of the devotional. I also really liked that after the prayer there is a space labeled "Today's Progress", for you to keep a journal of how God is acting in your life, or what you are waiting for God to show you. It is a neat idea to keep a journal with these devotionals so that over time you can look back and see how God has answered you.

 I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to have that daily connection but is short on time. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Living Close to God (When You Aren't Good At It) - 2 Stars

 "Living Close to God (When You Aren't Good At It) by Gene Edwards, offers up a fascinating topic - after all, don't we all wish to live close to God? The book tells a personal story of fitting God into a busy life, and how it worked for one person. The personal story does point out some important scriptural references, and give some solid advice on building a stronger, more personal relationship with Christ.

However, this really was more of the story of one person, and how through their own busy life, they were able to find a closer connection to God. There are a few helpful suggestions, but nothing life-changing in this particular book.  There are many general references to scripture, which are great, but I didn't really find this book particularly helpful in fine tuning my own personal walk with God. 

I wouldn't recommend this book to someone who is actively seeking a closer relationship with God, as really this is more of a personal story or testimonial than anything else. If you are interested in a good personal story, than it is worth the read. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

As Silver Refined - 5 Stars!

Kay Arthur's "As Silver Refined" is a book about disappointment - and really, who among us can not relate to being disappointed? Arthur establishes that through disappointment we become vulnerable to spiritual attacks. This book goes on to discuss ways to recognize these attacks and correct our own thinking when it comes to disappointing situations.

This book also has a study guide in the back of the book, which makes it a great tool for a student or for a book group studying together. I used these study guides by copying them from the book, and actually filling it out as I worked my way through each chapter. It really reinforced some of the most important things in this book.

This book really opened my eyes, and made me think differently about some of the difficult situations that I have faced in my own life, and the way I reacted to them. Kay Arthur really breaks down disappointment and showed me how the devil uses my disappointment to gain entry into my life. The solid truths that Kay shares with us are well formulated and backed by scriptural truths. 

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has been through or is going through a difficult or disappointing time in their own life.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

America: The Last Best Hope Vol. 3 - 5 Stars

I have already shared my admiration for the work of William Bennett, so needless to say that I had to get my hands on the third and final installment in his "America: The Last Best Hope" series. These books were written in installments, and meant to be a sort of concise history of America. The third book is the history of the election of 1988 through the present times, and includes the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal and impeachment, through the 2001 Trade Center tragedy.

I found this book to be extremely easy to read, and loved the simplicity with which Bennett writes about our history. He doesn't over complicate it for the sake of sounding smart. This is the kind of history book that every American could easily pick up and read. I think it is important for us to have an unbiased understanding of our history, and Bennett gives us just that. Great book.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Living In Love - 5 Stars

"Living In Love" by James and Betty Robison is a great book. I see James and Betty on television all the time and thought this this book would be a very interesting read, and maybe give some insight on how to build a relationship as strong as theirs appears to be. The book completely delivered! This book is written by both James and Betty, and details their lives, from how they met. It is amazing to read their story, but it was very reassuring to read that even they had challenges that they faced in their relationship and in their personal lives.

What I really enjoyed about this book was that both James and Betty have a voice. James' name prefaces his thoughts, and Betty's name prefaces her thoughts. It's fascinating to be able to hear both of their voices, rather than one voice.

This book offers up wonderful, Biblical advice on relationships and marriage, as well as living our own personal lives for God. I really loved this book, and would recommend it highly. You don't have to be married to get something out of this book - it can be applied to any relationship in your life. Wonderfully written!